Suburban Stitching

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Harvest Block Finished!

Although not in time to participate in my STO block exchange I did finish my Harvest Block. It is stitched on a 14 count aida, whose color remains a mystery as it wasn't on the packaging! I used DMC floss and GAST floss to stitch motifs from the Marquoir MIB series that Isa at Passion Broderie presented last year. I think it turned out rather nicely, sort of fun to stitch! I will keep the block for myself since I was late!

So next month's block theme is "Moose". I have looked and looked for an appropriate design and am unhappy with all I have seen. I am far from a designer and do not play one on T.V. but I have a mad, mad idea I want to try to sketch out. I am seeing letters "M-O-O-S-E" with big Bullwinkle pupils in the double oh's! Then I see moose antlers protruding from the oh's. I can use part of a design I have for the antlers! What do you think? I know, crazy!!

I wanted to start a cute free design from Blue Ribbon Designs!
However I can't find my GAST Pomegranite! Oh, utter madness!! I want to stitch this free design "Crowned Heart" over one! Let me go tear up the house some more! Frenzied Searching in the wilds of my home in Surburbia! Sandra

Monday, September 26, 2005

Harvest Block- Posted by Picasa

My stitching essentials...

is like one of those hospital bed tables on wheels. I can drag it around the house or put it in another room if company is coming. Most of the time it just sits in the living room next to my chair. I purchased it at Office Depot several years ago and I think it is one of the best buys I ever made.

On it is a small plastic 3 drawer container. I keep needles and other such supplies in it that I don't use all the time. To stitch I must have my hand lotion, pin cushion/needle keep, my magnetic pattern holder, my tin with the floss that I am currently using, my dololly, my Stitcher's Heaven which is in the little round angel tin, Chapstick (to keep my lips kissably soft), tweezers, needle threader, a waterbased marker (no ink or permanent marker), my floss sponge in the 35mm film canister, my magnifying glasses that clip to my regular glasses and a little litter bag which is attached (unseen in photo) to the edge of the table with some inexpensive plastic vice clips.

Of course if I go anywhere with my stitching I just take the scissors, floss sponge, tweezers, Stitchers Heaven, needles and floss. They generally get thrown in a plastic zip lock bag and away I go. I have several totes and bags which I have purchased over the years but seldom do they get used.

I have a portable Ott light but I did purchase a floor Ott light second hand and it is right by my stitching chair. I love my Ott lights! Anyway this are the essential items Sandra needs to stitch! Happy stitching friends! Sandra stitching in the autumn splendor of the suburbs!

Sunday, September 25, 2005

My stitching table Posted by Picasa
August Watermelon Block Stitched by Milly from Stitchers Time Out Yahoo Group Posted by Picasa

In spite of best intentions...

it has been another month since my last entry and my stitching time has been pitiful! The past couple of weeks I have been working a lot of overtime to get caught up on some bills. Unfortunately none of the money will go towards stash. My wish list keeps getting longer and longer though!

Autumn is here, my favorite time of the year. It is my time to snuggle into my home until spring. I dream of brewing up wonderful soups and stews in my crockpot and baking lovely cookies and sweet treats as I stitch, stitch, stitch.

I received the watermelon block I secretly coveted from my Yahoo Group, Stitchers Time Out. Wonderful Milly in California stitched it and I love it.

The block I was stitching for the Harvest block exchange, well quite frankly after getting half way done, I hated it! So I began a new block pulling motifs from the monthly freebie series at the French site Passion Broderie. It was the collaborative series from Bea and Isa. I really ran out of time because of the overtime I was working. I intend to finish stitching it anyway, for my own collection.

So divorcing your spouse opens up all kinds of unforseen possibilities. After clearing out all my soon to be ex-husband's dresser drawers, I decided I would use it to store all my needlework fabrics! I want to organize my bookshelf with all my leaflets and magazines. My soon to be ex had "organized" the bookshelves for me! So my old year resolution is to spend more time stitching and just enjoy my life! Happy stitching friend! Sandra in the beautiful suburban jungle

In spite of best intentions...